Übungen für Zeitformen/Tenses

11. Klasse | Simple Present vs. Present Continuous

[*] Aufgabe: Fill in the blanks using the correct tense of verbs given in the brackets

  1. Chris (play) cricket really well.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  2. Chris (play) cricket now.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  3. The newspaper (say) here that it is going to be hot tomorrow.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  4. I am (go) to the cinema. Would you like to come with us?
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  5. The sun (rise) from the east.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  6. I (wake) up everyday at half past six.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  7. I am (come) to your home right now to see if you are okay.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  8. They usually (have) lunch at half past three.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  9. To whom are you (visit) at the moment?--your uncle or aunt?
    No translation, because it is too simple :)
  10. He (go) to the church every Sunday.
    No translation, because it is too simple :)

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