Übungen für Zeitformen/Tenses

10. Klasse | Tenses - Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Progressive

[**] Aufgabe: Setze die richtige Zeitform ein

  1. The bus is just leaving --> ( to miss) Liz
    Tipp: es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Liz den Bus verpasst hat)
  2. The kids are standing at the train station. --> (to wait) They for their train for two hours now.
    Tipp: die Kinder warten eine lange Zeit
  3. Emma is looking for her mobile phone. She can't find it. --> (to lose) She
    Tipp: ihr Handy ist verloren gegangen
  4. Wow! It is still raining. --> (to rain) It all day.
    Tipp: es regnet schon den ganzen Tag
  5. Dave's room looks like a hog house. --> (to tidy up) He yet.
    hog house = Schweinestall,
  6. Mike is very ill. He is still in bed. --> (to lie) He there for the last two days.
    Tipp: er ist immer noch krank
  7. Lucy is thirsty. --> (to drink) She anything for three hours.
    keine Tipps :P
  8. My grandparents are still married. --> (to have, to marry) They for 50 years.
    keine Tipps :P

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