Übungen für Relativepronomen

    06. Klasse | Relative Pronoun/Relativpronomen

    [*] Aufgabe: Fülle die Lücken mit den Relativepronomen aus:
    This is the book _ I gave you.
    This is the book that I gave you.

    1. Here is the pen you lent me. (which, who)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    2. Mr. and Mrs. Max have not met the family lives in Germany. (which, whom)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    3. This is the student comes from South Africa. (who, which)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    4. Peter is the police officer gunned down the wanted man. (who, whom)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    5. They salvaged the ship sank last month. (which, who)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    6. The mangoes you plucked were not ripe. (which, who)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    7. The books you borrowed from the library are now due. (which, whom)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    8. The person is in charge has not arrived. (who, whom)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    9. The teacher taught me music has gone to London. (which, who)
      Keine Hilfe :-P
    10. The parcels my aunt sent from San Fancisco arrived this morning. (which, whom)
      Keine Hilfe :-P

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